The VC audio need to be set as line input and not as mic input. Setting the VC audio to be mic input makes AEC to be applied to VC input audio and makes the audio fluctuate.
Try disconnecting everything from the DSP and leaving it unplugged from the power for at least 30 minutes. Then plug it back in to just the power, leaving everything else disconnected. If it starts back up normally, reconnect everything again and ...
Your antivirus program may be blocking access to the USB port. In the case of Sentinel One there is a driver that is loaded. If the Converge Pro 2 is listed as and Unknow Device you can look in the the Device Properties for the device to determine if ...
Connect the DSP to telnet through USB( or through LAN(user defined IP Address) at port 23.Use username:clearone,Password:converge.Enter "FACTORYDEFAULT" to factory reset the DSP.
If the password has been forgotten, the DSP needs to be factory reset through with the serial port as the serial port does not require a username/password. Connect through serial port (Baudrate:57600) to the DSP and send FACTORYDEFAULT * or Letter ...